When you hire someone, you should actually expect a temporary increase in work instead of immediately being able to offload responsibilities and have the free time you dream of.
That’s because, even if you make the smartest hires in the world, they’re not going to understand and acclimate to your business right away. New employees need time to learn the ins and outs, understand your expectations, and mentally put the puzzle together to see how all the small pieces add up to your larger goals.
Even if they’ve filled the same role five times before at five different companies, don’t assume they can hit the ground running on day one. It will only create a big headache for you down the track.
Before you hire, make sure you have an onboarding or training plan in place. Train your newbies well to do their jobs, and set the right expectations from the beginning.
Give your newest team member the tools and training they need to succeed, and some leniency to make mistakes as they learn. When a new hire feels respected and supported, their job competency increases, and they begin to feel more empowered and proud of what they do.
Headaches saved:
- Harsh firing
- High turnover
- No wasted time going back to un-do employee mistakes
If you’re not sure how to put together a training plan, check out this guide.